
Motorola Razr 2019 Foldable Phone expected to Launch at November 13 Los Angeles Event

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Read Time:1 Minute, 3 Second

Motorola’s foldable smartphone has been leaking all over the internet for the past year. We finally have a official word on when it might actually launch. Motorola has chosen to play on people’s nostalgic side by launching it under the iconic Razr brand which was once known for offering premium-looking clamshell phones and form factor of a flip phone. Motorola Razr will be directly competing against the likes of Huawei Mate X and Samsung Galaxy Fold with its foldable design. VP of Global Product Dan Dery in a media interview back in February had said “We started to work on foldables a long time ago,”teasing the launch of a foldable phone.

Suggesting the comeback of the Razr brand, the invite reads, “An original unlike any other.” and also mentions “You’re going to flip.”

The specifications will be:-

  • Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 SoC
  • 6GB of RAM and 128GB of onboard storage
  • 6.2-inch (876×2142 pixels) folding display alongside a secondary display of 600×800 pixels resolution.

Motorola will take a different approach of putting a single flexible display that folds twice and comes with a dual-hinge design. It will carry a price tag of around EUR 1,500 (Rs. 1,20,000) and will be unveiled at November 13 Los Angeles Event.

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Self Development

How to be happy- The pursuit of Happiness.

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Read Time:3 Minute, 29 Second

What is your goal? What is it that drives you? After achieving your goal how do you feel? You feel happy, right? So does that mean your eventual goal is to be happy?

What is happiness? We can find a lot of different definitions for Happiness, but we know it when we feel it, and we often use the term to describe a range of positive emotions, including joy, pride, contentment, and gratitude. Happiness is a state of mind.

Many people associate success with happiness and they feel that they can be happy only if they are successful which shouldn’t be the case because success is circumstantial and happiness is not. You can stay happy even if you don’t own a big bungalow, fast car or a large bank balance. But the important thing is that you must first identify what makes you happy?

1. Change the way you think: Glass half full. Occupy your mind with positive thoughts. Look for the positive in all your experiences. The old saying that you find what you look for is true. Start. Because of this, make it a habit to actively seek out the positive in any experience.

Focusing on your experiences in the present moment without worrying too about the future. If you have 10 tasks, break it down. Set a goal that you have to complete 2 of those tasks by tomorrow and don’t worry about the other 8. Accept harsh experiences and problems as learning opportunities. It can be tempting to let challenges or roadblocks keep us from feeling happy. Sometimes, it looks like there’s nothing good about a particular situation or experience. However, it’s important to think about even the greatest setbacks as experiences we can learn from for great results in the future tomorrow.

Cultivate optimism. Why does winning the lottery not make people happy? In the 1970s, researchers followed people who’d won the lottery and found that a year afterward, they were no happier than people who hadn’t. This is called hedonic adaptation,which suggests that we each have a “baseline” of happiness to which we return. No matter what events occur, good or bad, the effect on our happiness is temporary, and happiness tends to quickly revert to the baseline level. Some people have a higher baseline happiness level than others, and that is due in part to genetics, but it’s also largely influenced by how you think

 “I’m terrible at math. I’m going to fail that test tomorrow. I might as well just watch TV.” This statement suggests that your math skills are inherent and unchangeable, rather than a skill you can develop with work. Such an outlook could lead you to study less because you feel like there’s no point to it — you’re just an inherently bad mathematics student. This isn’t helpful.

An optimistic outlook would say something like “I’m concerned about doing well on that test tomorrow, but I’m going to study as well as I can and do my best.” Optimism doesn’t deny the reality of challenges, but it interprets how you approach them differently.

Show yourself self-compassion. Beating yourself up or giving in to negative thoughts can leave you feeling weak and unhappy. Dwelling on negative thoughts or feelings of guilt doesn’t promote improvement; it actually hoslds you back from growing and learning. Instead, show yourself the same kindness and generosity you should show to a friend

Make friends, happiness can be contagious. But stay away to from depressing people.


In one study, a research team from Massachusetts General Hospital looked at the brain scans of 16 people before and after they participated in an eight-week course in mindfulness meditation. Neuroimaging concluded that after completing the course, parts of the participants’ brains associated with compassion and self-awareness grew, and parts associated with stress shrank.

9. Move Closer to Work: A Short Commute is Worth More Than a Big House

If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.

Happiness is Not A Final Destination but it’s a journey!

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The most dangerous creature in the world is …. the Smartphone? Your smartphone addiction could be fatal.

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Read Time:4 Minute, 18 Second

Which is the deadliest creature on earth according to you? Sharks are considered one of the most deadly creatures on earth. But the surprising fact according to CNtraveller is that selfies are more dangerous. Yes, you read it right. More people have died while taking selfies (11) than those killed by sharks(8) in the previous year.

The number of mobile phone users globally are 4.8 billion according to a study released by GSM Association (GSMA) 

The average user checks his/her smartphone at least 46 times a day and in the United States, people collectively do this 8 billion times in 24 hours (App Annie). According to emarketer the average time spent by people in USA is 2 hours 54 mins screen on time. Several researchers have raised concerns about health problems due to the excessive use of smartphones.

An interesting thing that I’ve noticed is children throwing tantrums to play on smartphones. Well giving them your phone to play may save from a lot of headaches, but it could prove to be damaging to kids. According to researchers, a smartphone is harmful to a child’s ability to learn because it distracts their attention and thus affects their mental health. According to Jenny Radesky, MD, clinical instructor in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics at Boston University: “These devices also may replace the hands-on activities important for the development of sensorimotor and visual-motor skills, which are important for the learning and application of math and science,” Nowadays I rarely see kids playing the park, all I see kids wanting to use their parents’ phones.

Another problem is the rise in Cyberbullying. The perfect example of this is the Blue whale challenge to which more than 130 deaths have been linked to in Russia and is rapidly spreading across India. In this challenge the so-called admins target emotionally unstable youngsters. Initially they give them challenges like taking selfie at 4 AM. The later tasks are much more devious, like cutting yourself or harming others. And the 50th and final task is to kill yourself. And if at any stage you refuse cooperate, the admins blackmail and bully you into doing tasks. Take the case of a grade 10 student from Madhya Pradesh who had completed 49 tasks and was being forced to commit suicide.

You save money whole month to buy those nice pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing for weeks. And bam, a pop up to buy items within a game pops up and you accidentally click on buy. Congrats you just got a 100 gems for 2000 rupees in a game rarely play to pass time. Luckily Amazon customers, a court ruling directed Amazon to start refunding $70 million that kids and adults accidentally spent in apps and games. However all parents aren’t so lucky.

There can be more direct threats too. The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Nearly 330,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving.1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving. Texting while driving is 6x more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk. According to 2012 National survey on distracted driving attitude and behaviours nearly half (48%) of drivers admit to answering their cell phones while driving.

Famous tech reviewer Marques Brownlee often says good smartphones are getting cheaper and cheap smartphones are getting are better. The decrease in prices of smartphones has resulted in an exponential growth in the adoption of smartphones. Which unlike computers are harder to monitor for parents. The decrease in prices of Internet data has also increased the uptake of smartphones. According to Forrester, a global research firm, mobile device usage is expected to reach more than 5.5 billion users by 2022 worldwide. India currently has a smartphone user base of over 300 million.

Cell phones and handheld mobile devices have diverse capabilities. The more diverse the functions of the cell phone the stronger are the attachment of the user to the device.

Ours is the first generation that’s using smartphones for a major part of our lives. We’ve already seen what kind of damage the influx of this technology is capable of doing. We cannot even begin to fathom the effects of long term usage of smartphones on our health. A life without smartphones seems unthinkable There could be some solutions:-

Internet is the soul of smartphones. Cut off the Internet once the user reaches the maximum data allotment. The ideal solution is to limit access to the Internet for teenagers. Parents can adjust settings and apply limitations when the data reached the maximum.

There are even some apps like “Break free” that monitor your smartphone usage and notify whenever your usage gets close to an unhealthy amount. With that I would like to close with a quote by Aldous Huxley: Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backward. Even Google has introduced digital well- being in most recent Android smartphones to help you monitor your smartphone usage.

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